Best Valentines Day Poems Quotes for New Relationship
Find a beautiful collection of valentines day poems for wishing a happy valentines day to your sweetheart. 14th February is a very special day for all the lovers and couples across the world. When it comes to sending wishes to the most special person, you need beautiful words. Poetry is one of the best ways to say what you feel. Poems have helped people in expressing their feelings. The day of love and romance gives the opportunity to express your profound love for someone we love. This post provides beautiful romantic poems about love.
The collection also contains some lines that are suitable to use as valentines day poems for friends. If you are looking for beautiful valentine day songs and lines, this is the right place. Images and visuals are the most popular things on social media. Do spare some time to browse our website and find stunning lovers day images. If you are single and want to have fun with your friends, find funny valentines day memes on our website. Thevalentineweeklist.com offers everything people look for on the 14th day of February month.

Valentines Day Poems for Lovers | Husband and Wife
Love is the pillar of every marital relation. There is no relation as intimate as of the relationship you share with your spouse. Years of togetherness and unconditional support, care, and love results in strong bonding between the wife and the husband. Here we have shared valentine poems that husbands and wives can use to share with each other. You can also send these romantic lines to your beloved.

Roses are red violets are blue valentines day poems are very popular among the lovers and partners. But we are bringing our own unique valentines day lines for your loved ones.
Life was very harsh on me until I met you
there were moments and there were years
but my heart was all alone missing something very special
As my eyes saw you on the day we met for the first time
my heart and my soul felt fulfilled for the first-ever time
And I knew that you are that special someone I will be loving for all my life
Happy valentines day my sweetheart
You Are A Dream Woven into My Heart and Soul
If I could know how to paint, my best picture would be you
If I could sing, my very first song would be you,
If I could ever become a diamond, you would be the shine inside me
I know I am not lucky enough to be with you
And this love of mine is a dream for the world and for you
But my heart knows only one reality and that is you

No matter how far you are from me
your face is always in my eyes and I can see you in every beautiful ting of this world
When I am weak, I find solace in the memories of the time we spent together
When I feel strong, I know you have inspired me.
Thank you for being my valentine and
wishing you a very happy valentines day my love
Be My Valentine For Now and For Always
For me, your smiles are diamonds
your eyes are the stars and the moon in my night sky
your tender heart always gentle and caring
is the most priceless thing in this world
The only place where I belong to
are your beautiful arms
As I think of you, I know I have got the best person in the world
Be My Valentine Now and Forever
Valentines Day Lines for Friends | Poems About Love
As the world celebrates this beautiful day of love, let your friends know how much you love them. There are friends who are very special and very close to our heart. Wish the happy valentines day with these lovely wordings and poems about love.
Let the world celebrate love
For me, our friendship is the biggest treasure
With you as my friend
I know I am the richest person in the world
No matter if I lose all my riches
your everlasting support and love is always with me
I have said it many times and say it once again
you are the reason behind my smiles and my success.
Happy valentines day to my dearest friend
Romantic Valentine Day Kavita Poem in Hindi
We all love to express our feelings through Shayari, songs, and kavita or poem. Whether the poem is a small couplet or four-liners or a long one, the spirit is what we love. Here we have shared best valentine day Kavita or poem in Hindi to say that you love and care.

मेरे प्यार का वजूद इतना कमजोर नहीं
की फासले इसे मिटा सके
दिन साल और महीने का मोहताज नहीं
इसे वक़्त भी कहाँ पा सके
में दूर हु तुझसे मगर
दिल फिर भी तेरे सब से करीब है
cute instagram valentines day captions
तू जहाँ भी है, तेरी ख़ुशी हमारी सबसे बड़ी मिलकियत है
सारे जहाँ से बढ़ कर मेरे लिए तेरी शख्सियत है
काश तुझे बता पाते की दिल कितना बेताब है
लगता है हर घडी तू आस पास है
जिसके पायल की खनक ने
मेरे खालीपन को सजा दिया
उस बेनमून हस्ती को आज
प्यार का पैगाम दिया
Be my valentine

गर बेपनाह से बढ़कर भी कोई अलफ़ाज़ होता
तो तुम्हे बता पाते की दिल कितना चाहता है
चाहता है तेरे करीब रहना
तुझ से ही तेरी बातें करना
झूठ मुठ का शिकवा कर के
एक लम्हे में हज़ार बार मनाना
happy valentines day my love
में साँस हूँ तो तू धड़कन है
हम दोनों जैसे एक ही ज़िन्द के हिस्से है
कभी आधा अधूरा सा लगे तुझे
तो हमारी ही खैरियत पूछ लेना
Happy valentines day मेरी जान
इश्क़ की कहानियां अक्सर अधूरी रहती है
ये वो दास्ताँ है जो अक्सर दर्द की स्याही से लिखी जाती है
यहां किसी को कुछ मिलता नहीं
खोने पाने के हिसाब से इश्क़ जुड़ता नहीं
तभी तो सबसे जुदा होते है सच्चे इश्क़ के किस्से और कहानिया
We are sure you loved the collection of valentines day poems for husband and would definitely share them. Love knows no barriers of caste, creed, and religion. Wishing love is simple regardless of the language if you have the right kind of poems about love. Also, have a look at our collection of valentines day shayari in Hindi.
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